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CCNP Enterprise Design ENSLD 300-420 Official Cert Guide: Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks from Cisco Press allows you to succeed on the exam the first time and is the only self-study resource approved by Cisco. Expert authors Anthony Bruno and Steve Jordan share preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills.
This complete study package includes
A test-preparation routine proven to help you pass the exams
Do I Know This Already? quizzes, which allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section
Chapter-ending Key Topic tables, which help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly
The powerful Pearson Test Prep Practice Test software, complete with hundreds of wellreviewed, exam-realistic questions, customisation options, and detailed performance reports
Online, interactive practice exercises that help you enhance your knowledge
An online, interactive Flash Cards application to help you drill on Key Terms by chapter
A final preparation chapter, which guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your review and test-taking strategies
Study plan suggestions and templates to help you organise and optimise your study time