20 Golden Rules
How can you turn an interview or appraisal to your advantage, thereby securing the job you want or the promotion you deserve? Highly focused and practical this user-friendly guide will encourage you to be highly proactive in an interview/appraisal situation. It provides you with all the skills you need to manage these situations and turn them to your advantage. This highly valuable guide will help you to increase your understanding of the interview process, improve communication skills associated with interviewing and evaluate different interview formats. By focusing on what interviews can achieve, you will be encouraged to approach interviews positively, know what you want to achieve and use interviews and appraisals as tools for the management and development of your career.
Packed full of activities such as self-assessment questionnaires, checklists and case studies this book will provide the ultimate guide to interviews and appraisals for any professional who is keen to move onward and upward in their career.