Like many children around the globe young Josh McCool dreams of one day becoming a pilot. His all-consuming fascination with flying leads to his own well-planned yet unsuccessful attempt to fly, and the realisation his home made contraptions were not the way to achieve his dream. He joins a group of like-minded friends and together they tour the airport, meet crew members and experience the ins and outs of the industry they are so passionate about. With hard work and persistence Josh finally experiences the exhilaration of flight with the support and comradery of his friends. Over the years the group achieve their dreams of becoming Airline Pilots and Josh can proudly call himself Captain McCool. Captain McCool is the first book of a series which aims to showcase the exciting and bustling aviation industry in a light-hearted, entertaining manner. Written in rhyme, beautifully illustrated and with quality finishes Captain McCool will appeal to and engage enthusiasts of all ages.