While concealment has been a vital requirement for hutning, fighting and protection since earliest days, the use of camouflage fro deception purposes came of age in the First World War. The growing use of aircraft was a factor no doubt as the author of this fascinating study concludes. The inventiveness and improvisation required suited the British temperament well. Given that those individuals who particularly excel at creativity are often artists, scientists and engineers with a fine disregard for orthodox military practice, there are plenty of examples of clashes with more conventional military thinkers and bureaucracy. The levels of ingenuity achieved in hiding huge installations, airfields and ships are astounding. Lakes were hidden and river courses concealed. 'Active' camouflage designed to deceive the enemy as to strengths and directions of attack was accepted as a vital part of offensive planning for example at El Alamein and in the run-up to D Day, 80 b/w photos