BURNOUT'S A B*TCH! is the antidote to the overloaded, overworked, overly stimulating modern lifestyle. It delves into unexpected energy saboteurs so readers can recalibrate their lifestyle and their energy, both physically and mentally. No more mid-afternoon energy slumps. No more walking around like a zombie. No more brain fog. No more BURNOUT!
The World Health Organisation have not only officially added burnout to their International Classification of Diseases; they predict that work-related stress, burnout and depression will together top the list of most prevalent diseases by 2020.
This kick-ass guide to overcoming burnout, is inspired by Rosie Millen's (AKA Miss Nutritionist) personal journey after she collapsed in the park one day and, with poor information and misdiagnosis, remained in bed for close to three years. Now 100% recovered, she coaches thousands of people to reenergize and regain their lives with her unique 6-week programme. Tackling subjects such as saying goodbye to stress, cutting energy vampires, as well as the right nutrition, workout and sleep programmes - you'll see how simple it is to reset your body and mindset in just 6 weeks. With 70 recipes, clear meal planners and weekly lifestyle tips, everyone can benefit from beating burnout.
'My message is really simple: burnout sucks and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I want to share with everyone how simple it is to feel energised.' - Rosie Millen