The original shooting scripts from Season Three!
"I know you think you can handle this. And you've gotten used to being on your own. You've got your tough loner act down pretty well." - Buffy, to Faith, 'Bad Girls' (original shooting script)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is as adept with verbal banter as she is with a roundhouse kick. The lingo of the Scoobies and those whom they encounter is rife with pop culture references and quirky wordplay.
Now don't miss a word as the Buffyverse ushers in an evil Willow, an accidental murder, a rogue Slayer, and more! Read along as Xander saves the high school while the rest of the Scoobies save the world, and war is declared between Buffy and Faith. Complete with production notes, inside jokes, and cut dialogue, these scripts are dead on!
Dig into:
- 'The Zeppo'
- 'Bad Girls'
- 'Consequences'
- 'Dopplegangland'
- 'Enemies'