here's magic in the Appalachians. And there might be leprechauns in the Smokies. Apple Holler could well be the home of a colony of elves hiding out from the rest of humanity. The Mississippi Delta could be the haven of sirens and mermaids. A group of hippies might still wield psychedelic sorcery from Haight-Ashbury . . . but have transplanted it and themselves to a trailer park in Alabama. Trolls could be living under that read Georgia clay . . . hey, maybe it's red from the blood of the trolls' victims over the years . . .
Urban fantasy is popular, but what if you took that modern fantasy and moved it to the 'sticks,' with no big city in sight? Trailer parks, fishing shacks, sleepy little towns, or specks on the map so small that if you blink while driving through you'll miss them. Vampires, wizards, aliens, and elves might be tired of all that urban sprawl and prefer a spot in the country – someplace where they can truly be themselves without worrying about what the neighbors think!