'The best life starts within, looking outward,' writes Amy Blackthorn in this simultaneously practical and personal guide to wellness and healing. Blackthorn, a master herbalist, aromatherapist, and prolific author, explores methods of wellness management using both mystical and mundane tools and techniques.Amy’s book features essential oils, plants, meditation, tarot, astrology, and personal sigils tailored to your own specific needs and circumstances. She also describes her own journey to well-being and shares the lessons she’s learned, including how to develop healthy mind-body habits and to stop relying on fear and shame-based rituals for self-care that ultimately produce results that are the very opposite of what is desired. Instead, Blackthorn’s Botanical Wellness supplies holistic solutions that enable you to lead your best life.According to Blackthorn, self-care isn’t “me, first”; it’s “me, too.” In clear, accessible, friendly language, Blackthorn’s Botanical Wellness teaches the skills to put these important lessons into practice.Find tools for managing health, chronic illness, and self-careCreate a lunar self-care calendarEmbrace the emotional well-being of aromatherapyWork with plant spirit alliesEmpower yourself with spells and rituals'Every word of Blackthorn’s Botanical Wellness is carefully thought out and deeply impactful, as Blackthorn offers in-depth information about all of the ways plants and other allies can help us care for ourselves, especially if we are among the traumatized and cast aside. There’s no spiritual bypassing here — just an ever-sweet and profoundly informative book that will throw a considerable, necessary punch into your wellness routine.' — Cassandra Snow, author of Lessons from the Empress: A Tarot Workbook for Self-Care and Creative Growth