The Essential Guide to Personalities and Settings in the Old and New Testaments.
People and Places of the Bible is a beautifully illustrated,
enormously useful, and accessible reference for the Bible reader,
accompanied by dramatic illustrations, beautiful maps,
and informative diagrams.
The book is clearly divided into six parts to guide the reader
through a large amount of material, providing a thorough and
illuminating companion to the Bible.
Part One: The Bible Directory provides a brief summary of the
books that comprise the Bible in its various forms, and a number
of useful reference tables.
Parts Two–Four: People of the Bible provide biographical details
of principal Biblical personalities. It is subdivided into the Old
Testament, the Apocrypha, and the New Testament.
Part Five: Places of the Bible provides a comprehensive overview
of the villages, towns, cities, regions, and political entities
against which the events of the Bible are played out.
The section includes a host of useful reference maps.
Part Six: Terms and Definitions, comprises a glossary of
scholarly Biblical and theological expressions, and the
book concludes with a comprehensive index.