An authoritative introduction to behavior therapy as well as a comprehensive resource for those with a firm background in this area. This book clearly and methodically introduces the behavioral perspective to readers new to cognitive-behavioral therapy, while also applying a fresh lens for connecting theory, research, and practice for more experienced practitioners. Instead of matching interventions with client populations or diagnoses, the authors emphasize a framework and set of principles that are broadly applicable to adult clients. Readers will learn how therapists use a behavioral perspective to conceptualize their clients, their problem areas, and the therapeutic process. The chapters facilitate systematic, coherent, and flexible thinking about people and their behavior, and they offer guidance for addressing both common and novel clinical problems not addressed in standard therapy manuals. This third edition includes: New chapters on problem-solving therapies, self-management interventions, and contemporary ethical and professional issues. A renewed focus on interventions for strengthening mindfulness and acceptance skills. Expanded discussions of behavioral case formulation and treatment planning. Extensive updates in clinical research.