Strongarm your way into the fitness industry
Interested in becoming a personal trainer? Becoming a Personal Trainer For Dummies is, obviously, the book you need. Even if you know nothing about this career path and industry, this book will guide you through the basics and take you all the way through certification and getting your first job. We’re here to enlighten you on what’s involved in a personal training career and teach you everything you need to know to become certified. This updated edition covers current information on topics like social media, wearable technology, outdoor and virtual training, and newer workouts like CrossFit, Active Aging, and more.
Learn what it’s like to be a personal trainer and discover if this career is for you
Distinguish the different types of personal training
Get the latest on wearable technology and other tricks of the trade
Know what to expect when getting your certification and searching for jobs or clientsAuthored by a longtime fit pro who knows personal training inside and out, Becoming a Personal Trainer For Dummies shares expert insights in a fun, digestible way.