Following his ground-breaking, critically acclaimed run on Detective Comics, writer Scott Snyder (American Vampire) alongside artist Greg Capullo (Spawn) begins a new era of The Dark Knight as with the relaunch of Batman, as a part of DC Comics-The New 52!
After a series of brutal murders rocks Gotham City, Batman begins to realize that perhaps these crimes go far deeper than appearances suggest. As the Caped Crusader begins to unravel this deadly mystery, he discovers a conspiracy going back to his youth and beyond to the origins of the city he's sworn to protect. Could the Court of Owls, once thought to be nothing more than an urban legend, be behind the crime and corruption? Or is Bruce Wayne losing his grip on sanity and falling prey to the pressures of his war on crime?
Nanananananananana Batman! When DC launched the New 52 back in 2011, comic fans around the world were sceptical. However, Snyder and Capullo's take on Batman was thoroughly enjoyed. Bringing the classic version of the Caped Crusader that fans love, and a new nefarious villain, has created the perfect mix for a great Batman story. - Sean (QBD)
Guest, 20/04/2020
The Court of Owls
Quite possibly one the best Batman graphic novels ever written. Scott Snyder has done a brilliant job of exposing the man behind the cowl. Not only has Snyder made Batman a character who people can now relate to, but he has crafted the perfect villain to counterbalance this. A villain that is truly Batman's equal. It isn't often that you see Batman stretched to his limits like this. The story has a brilliant pace and artwork to complement the mood. This is a fantastic starting place for people who are new to comicsgraphic novels or new to the Batman universe.
Guest, 03/07/2014