Barry Trotter is pretty disreputable and unpleasant. And he smells. Imagine what he was like when he was a kid.
Well, imagine no longer! Due to the arrival of an unexpected tax bill on the author's doormat and a completely absurd plot device, now you can meet Barry and all the rest when they were still spot-ravaged, hyperactive newcomers at Hogwash.
This exclusive edition also includes: Alarmingly sexy oversized Roman Goddesses (Parental advisory. Your dad at least will want to study that bit very carefully before letting you read it)! A scene in which Barry gets to first base with an actual GIRL (Parental advisory)! A waiting room full of the living dead (Parental advisory. Well actually that bit's nowhere near as gross as it sounds but if we put 'Parental Advisory' next to it you're more likely to buy the book)!