Three Great Barry Books in One!
Illustrated by Coral Tulloch.
The best, the boldest and the brainiest burglar in town is Barry! Even when he's going straight, Barry's burglar tricks from the bad old days come in handy. Here for the first time are all three of Barry's adventures in one book:
'Barry The Burglar's Last Job'
No wall is too thick, no lock too tricky and no watchman too watchful for Barry the Burglar. He's the boldest, brainiest, burglar in town, and he's never been caught. He steals from the Baker Street Bank. He steals from the Griffin Gallery, and when the residents of Rosemount Mansions advertise for a caretaker, he even steals from them. Barry thinks people are stupid. "Fancy putting an ad in the paper to tell everyone there's no caretaker on duty. It's asking for trouble!" But trouble for whom?
'Barry The Burglar's Big Mistake'
Caretaker Barry looks after an old people's home. He's a good caretaker, and because he used to be a burglar, he knows exactly how to keep burglars out. No one will rob Rosemount Mansions while Barry is around. But one Monday morning, Caretaker Barry makes a big mistake . . .
'Barry The Burglar's Bumpy Ride'
The people from Rosemount Mansion want to go on a picnic, so Caretaker Barry "borrows" an unusual bus. But there's going to be trouble . . .