Ever wondered why the whole world seems against you sometimes? Looking for somebody to blame for your woes and shortcomings? At last, it's all here in this little book.
The explanation for all life's little annoyances: they are brought about by a positive army of Bad Fairies, lying in ambush for us unsuspecting human punchbags. So, here, for the first time, is a thorough listing of the fairy world's Most Wanted. Don't be caught without it.
Bad Fairies . . .
Yes, we all know about the Good Fairies (and they do exist) but they are outnumbered by the Bad Fairies by two to one.
From the Pixies of Peridition, a heavily unionised mob of troublemakers, to the Partypooper Fairy, whose mission in life is to inject toxic turmoil into your carefully coordinated soirée, or the allure of the Gadget Gnomes, who make sure you buy the latest gadget that won't work properly and you really don't need it.
These clever Fairies have a lot to answer for.