At the upper reaches of indescribable pleasure and on the boundary of fear is a little studied emotion–awe. Although it has been left off the list of what researchers refer to as the "basic ten" emotions, the findings shared for the first time in this book indicate that awe is our most uplifting, intense, healthiest, yet neglected means of personal and interpersonal change and growth but also one of that holds potential danger for our own, others', and even the world's well–being.
Combining the results of bestselling author and renowned neuron–psychologist Paul Pearsall's survey of the ancient, religious, and poetic writings about awe, his review of the limited scientific research on what he calls "the awe response," and the results of his own interviews of hundreds of persons around the world who described their own awe–inspiring experiences, this unprecedented book shares awe's many forms and its remarkable psychological, physiological, sociological, and spiritual impacts. It describes its role in both causing and potentially reducing:
The number of failed interpersonal relationships
Religious–based conflict, political turmoil, and the control of the tyrannical leaders who cause it
The manipulation of "shock and awe" for personal and/or political gain and power
Greater understanding and interpretation of our existence and life after death
Health problems, mental disorders, and overall well–being in work and life