Let this beautifully illustrated journal guide you through the seasons of your year...This guided 5-year journal is divided into spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each season will feature passages connected to what is occurring in nature questions to spur self-reflection, and space to record your individual responses...Spring, for example, represents renewal with quotes and passages about starting anew. This connects the new, fresh leaves and flowers with a restart in your own life. Summer focuses on exuberance and simplicity. Here, you can reflect on the bright, bold moments in your life and enjoy the simple pleasures of summer. Fall exemplifies rethinking and self-improvement, featuring ways to reflect on what you have learned and how you can grow as a person both spiritually and intellectually. Finally, Winter focuses on hibernation and finding quiet peace. As in the natural world, taking a break and finding peace is important to happiness and calm...Awake in the Wild features the magical, fairy-tale-like illustrations of Romanian artist Madalina Andronic. These beautiful and charming visuals facilitate meditation, allowing you to deepen your connection with nature.