Teggs Stegosaur is a pupil at the Astrosaur Academyy where all astro-cadets go to complete their training. He hopes to become an ASTROSAUR one day but for now he has classes to attend, missions to complete and lessons to learn. His new best friends and roommates, Blink and Dutch, are always his first choice for fun - but also to work with on his homework! Together they make a great team - the Daring Dinos!
Teggs and his friends are practising for a astro-jet flying display when Damona's jet crashes into Teggs's and both teams find themselves stuck underground in an icy cavern. But the gang have got more than just getting themselves out to deal with - there's a frozen war hero, some rotten raptors and some huge creepy-crawlies stuck in the cold too . . .