Kurt Busiek's Astro City is an American superhero anthology comic book series centered on a fictional American city of that name. The ASTRO CITY series continues in ASTRO CITY VOL. 16- BROKEN CENTURY.
The Broken Man returns, revealing secrets that will draw you deep into his broken life, and into turn-of-the-century Astro City, when it was still Romeyn Falls, Dame Progress patrolled the skies and a rebellious power was growing, seething to break free. Featuring Mister Cakewalk, Jazzbaby and a very strange home called the Dream House. Beginning a whole arc of revelations about Astro City's past, and a dire threat to its future.
Continuing the Eisner Award-winning series, author Kurt Busiek presents ASTRO CITY VOL. 16- BROKEN CENTURY.
Collects issues #37, #38, #41, #43, #45 and #46. #41 is the double sized 100th issue!