Ask your Father provides succinct, on-the-button advice to every question you could possibly have the misfortune to be faced with.
Have you or Dad ever taken drugs? If there's a God, why does he let us go to war? Can I get my belly button pierced? Why were you and Daddy shouting last night? Mum, why don't you have a willy?
All parents know the moment. You are preparing the lunchbox or trying to pack the boot of the car, when your child comes up and asks one of those impossibly embarrassing, unanswerable questions...
At last, help is at hand. Rather than palming the question off on your spouse, or burying your red face behind a newspaper, let Emma Cook give you the answers.
Ask your Father provides succinct, on-the-button advice to every question you could possibly have the misfortune to be faced with. This will make you laugh all the way to the school gates.