291 x 233 x 21mm
In December of 2009, Disney Animation Studios returns to its golden roots, releasing its first fully 2D hand-drawn animated feature since the advent of computer animation. From the creative minds of directors John Musker and Ron Clements (The Little Mermaid and Aladdin), comes an American fairy tale musical set in New Orleans during the 1920s Jazz Age, featuring the newest Disney princess, Tiana, a young African-American girl living amid the charming elegance and grandeur of the fabled French Quarter. From the heart of Louisiana's mystical bayous comes an unforgettable tale of love, enchantment, and discovery with a soulful singing crocodile, voodoo spells, and Cajun charm at every turn. The Art of Princess and the Frog will showcase the lush concept art of this sure-to-be-classic movie, including sketches, pastels, lighting studies, storyboards, and clay models. Inspiring quotes from the directors, producers, artists, and designers, including veteran 2D Disney animators, will illuminate the work behind this groundbreaking film.