The Art Of Painting is a journey uncovering the evolution of illustration, from its classical roots to its modern expressions. Through examples and testimonies from illustrators, it delves into its impact on art, design, and contemporary culture. From its ability to communicate complex ideas to its role in the digital age, this book invites readers to discover the fascinating world of illustration and its relevance in our visual society. AUTHOR: Eva Minguet is a creative based in Barcelona and author of several books including the popular Women's Club, Wes Anderson Tribute, Murals, and more. Since 2012, she has led the production department of Monsa Publishing House, seeking inspiration for the different books in which she works, preparing the layout, the selection of material, and organizing the editorial schedule. Eva Minguet is a creative based in Barcelona and author of several books including the popular Women's Club, Wes Anderson Tribute, Murals, and more. Since 2012, she has led the production department of Monsa Publishing House, seeking inspiration for the different books in which she works, preparing the layout, the selection of material, and organizing the editorial schedule.