Discover the magic of ancient Egypt in this comprehensive text...This book of the dead is by two of the greatest translators of Egyptian and sacred texts in the history of those genres. E.A. Wallis Budge is one of the most renowned Egyptologists of all time, and Epiphanius Wilson was one of the most prolific translators of literature and sacred texts in the world. Budge explains in plain, simple, easy- to-understand language the history and the ways of the book of the Egyptian dead, the thousands years old scripts that explained to ancient Egyptians the passage from this world into the next. Wilson then translates the prayers, incantations, and ancient text used to help guide those during that journey. Illustrated with great care, including photos, ancient art, fine art, and other illustrations to bring this historic guide back to life...Section One - E. A. Wallis Budge by Explains the Book of the Dead..Section Two by Epiphanius Wilson, A.M. - Translations of the prayers, incantations, and other texts of the book of the dead..Section Three - List of Egyptian Deities