The exhibition An Ancient and Honorable Citizen of Florence ? The Bargello and Dante, sponsored by the Comitato Nazionale per le Celebrazioni del 700° Anniversario della morte di Dante Alighieri, is the result of the inter-institutional partnership between the Musei del Bargello and the Università di Firenze, and sees the collaboration between the Departments of Literature and Philosophy (DILEF) and of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art and Entertainment (SAGAS) of the University of Florence. The Bargello is Dante's place par excellence in Florence: here you can find the oldest portrait of Dante, painted by Giotto and his work in 1337, a period during which the Divina Commedia was being spread throughout the city. The catalogue ? rich with essays and extracts by numerous specialists ? illustrates the complex link between Dante, his work and Florence, analysing the dense network of relationships between painters, illuminators, copyists and commentators, engaged in an unprecedented editorial and artistic enterprise. The volume is enriched with illustrations of the works on display and illuminated manuscripts, as well as a precious final photographic atlas of the murals in the Podestà chapel, which houses the poet's portrait. Dante was very often a frequenter of the different rooms as a prior of the Bargello and in these same rooms he received both his sentence of exile, and his sentence to death (March 10, 1302). The reconstruction of the delicate relationship between the Poet and Florence assumes an importance that goes far beyond city borders, indelibly investing the history of Dante's fortune and the way in which we still look at him and his work today. SELLING POINTS: . Beautiful illustrations alongside rich essays explore Dante's relationship with Florence through manuscripts and works of art from all over the world 200 colour illustrations