This book is packed full of information and you'll be amazed at how much you learn about Australia's deadly and dangerous animals by dipping into the remarkable facts presented. Our aim is to inspire in our readers a curiosity and thirst to know more about the deadly and dangerous animals that share our natural environment.
Having a proper understanding of these animals, and the environments in which they live, is essential for avoiding harmful encounters, and also helps foster a respect for life. Many of the creatures in this book may seem insignificant, yet their collective existence has had a profound effect on the human race (and vice versa) - and will continue to do so for many years to come.
With great enthusiasm I set out on another incredible adventure of learning and discovery in collaboration with the Queensland Museum, joining with their talented publication team to produce this book. I hope that you'll embark on our discovery of the world of Australia's deadly and dangerous creatures and be amazed by what you find.