According to British scientist, JBS Haldane, nature is not only "stranger than we think, it's stranger than we can possibly imagine". For one thing, your ears don't just listen to noise, they can make noise and, for another, meteors now carry messages for us! Weapons technology gave us the "Two Finger - Up Yours" salute, but how did one single land mine wipe out the Dalmation language? Why does smoking a packet of cigarettes spray your lungs with as much radiation as one Chest X-Ray? Can tobacco possibly be good for you? And is Ecstasy that dangerous? How do some lizards suck up water with their skin (flat out like a lizard drinking!)? Why does another lizard squirt blood from its eyes?
Karl Kruszelnicki's discussion of these questions is literally absolutely fabulous science - informative, entertaining and probing the edges of existing knowledge. Dare to explore these moments and you'll be seduced by truths "stranger than we can possible imagine".