Featured on Forbes.com, ranked one of the best-selling fantasy tabletop role-playing games at DriveThruRPG, and having sold over 90,000 copies worldwide, ZWEIHcuml;NDER Grim & Perilous RPG is a bloodier, grimmer, and grittier version of classical tabletop role-playing games. This revised edition is published in celebration with Andrews McMeel Publishing and features a refreshed layout, new artwork, rules clarifications, colour plates by Dejan Mandic, and errata. ZWEIHeuml;NDER Grim & Perilous RPG is a game where your characters will: Live in a gritty, "realistic" fantasy world.Make morally grey decisions & enact vicious reprisals.Uncover insidious plots & political intrigue.Take part in heart-pumping chase scenes.Venture into the wilderness & survive its perils.Desperately fight in clandestine & open field combat.Defend themselves from injuries, madness, & mutations.Encounter sanity-blasting creatures & their minions. Using the Powered By ZWEIHeuml;NDER d100 game engine, you will create grim characters, write perilous adventures, and build your own low fantasy & dark fantasy campaigns. These rules are a perfect fit for Renaissance and medieval-styled adventures, too. You can also use this book to create your own home-brewed worlds, whether inspired by the works of Andrzej Sapkowskitsquo;s The Witcher, George R.R. Martinssquo;s Game of Thrones, Glen Cookasquo;s Black Company, Myke Coleosquo;s The Armored Saint, Robert E. Howardssquo;s Solomon Kane, Scott Lynchksquo;s Gentlemen Bastard series, or other "grimdark"-inspired media. This all-in-one game includes most of what you need to play: a character creation guide, game mastery rules, and a bestiary brimming with creatures both fair & foul. All that squo;s left are a few friends, pencils, and a handful of dice. ZWEIHeuml;NDER Grim & Perilous RPG awaits, and the fate of your grim & perilous tale hangs in the balance!