An engaging and non-judgemental guide for teenagers, publishing in the wake of major updates to the national Relationships and Sex Education curriculum.
This positive, practical and empowering guide tackles sex and relationships in an inclusive and non-judgemental way. Written and illustrated by the award-winning team at The School of Sexuality Education, who deliver expert workshops in UK schools, here is advice, reliable information and reassurance on all the key topics: consent and healthy relationships, sex and sexuality, puberty and periods, mental health and contraception, porn and sexting, and more besides. A much-needed modern equivalent to "The Talk", this book is perfectly pitched for teenagers and a brilliant tool for their parents, carers and teachers ... not only supporting all the new RSE curriculum content, but also answering FAQs and busting popular myths..
Created by the winners of the Pamela Sheridan Award for Innovation and Good Practice in RSE.