Tour De Provence by Julian More

01 / 12 / 2001
253 x 221mm

This book is an enchanting personal journey exploring the hidden beauties of Provence. It provides insider facts and revealing information that only a native of Provence would know about including recommendations for hotels and restaurants. It is illustrated with specially-commissioned photographs of the beautiful Provencal countryside, villages and people.

In this illuminating travel memoir, seasoned Francophile Julian More travels by road from his home in north-west Provence to Nice, spending his days consuming the sights, tastes and smells of the Provencal countryside. His carefully chosen itinerary, on mainly minor roads, includes the best of the hidden corners of Provence.

'Tour De Provence' presents the secrets of a selection of towns and villages, chosen to be representative of the region, presenting history, culture, places to eat and a little of the local gossip.

Beginning in the Vaucluse, Julian travels through seven main regions, including Bouches-du-Rhone, Alpes de Haute-Provence and Enclave de Papes. The lively narrative is accompanied by specially commissioned photography revealing living Provence in its full glory, as well as practical information on where to find the best restaurants and hotels.

Meandering through the regions many holiday makers only see as a blur from the Autoroute, Julian More delves deeply, uncovering local characters with tales of their own to tell. Casting a wry eye on the expat community, his digressions sparkle with the leisurely good nature of someone who has lived and breathed the Provencal lifestyle for many years. This book will appeal to everyone who appreciates the entrancing and mesmerising appeal of this universally loved corner of the globe.
EOFY 2024 Book Frenzy (Online Only)
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