The Excellence Dividend by Tom Peters

Tom Peters
138 x 222mm

"The Real Deal" Seth Godin, New York Times bestselling author of Linchpin

"I'd rather hire someone who has studied [Peters'] writings than someone who has an MBA" Matthew Kelly, CEO of Floyd Consulting and New York Times bestselling author of The Dream Manager

"Makes me glad to be alive in 2018" Sally Helgesen, author of The Female Advantage and The Female Vision, co-author How Women Rise

The Excellence Dividend is a critical new book from one of today's leading visionaries in business. This year's winner of the Thinkers 50 Lifetime Achievement Award and the CEO Reads Lifetime Contribution to the Business Book Industry Award, Tom Peters is one of the world's most revered management gurus and global business thinkers.

For decades, he has been preaching the gospel of putting people first, and in today's rapidly changing business environment, this message is more important than ever. Studies show that fewer than one-third of employees feel engaged with their work and that half of all jobs are at risk due to technology. But Peters has a solution: a sustained commitment to excellence combined with a commitment to people. These are, he argues, the only tools for coping with and thriving amidst the tsunami of change facing business today.

In The Excellence Dividend, Peters shows that nothing beats a high-quality product or service, designed and delivered by people who are as dedicated to each other as they are to their shared goal. With his unparalleled expertise and inimitable charisma, Peters offers brilliantly simple, actionable guidelines for success that any business leader can immediately implement.

After spending four decades in in pursuit of professional excellence, giving more than 3,000 presentations on the subject and working with companies around the world, Peters has delivered a contemporary personal excellence manual for any professional looking to make their mark and face today's business challenges.
EOFY 2024 Book Frenzy (Online Only)
RRP: $45.00
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