Lonely Planet: Chile and Easter Island, 4th Ed

Lonely Planet: Chile and Easter Island, 4th Ed by Various

128 x 184 x 25mm

Includes the Falkland Islands

Stretched along the Pacific from the tropics to the Antarctic, Chile is a country of stunning natural attractions. Whether you're interested in exploring colonial Santiago, the vineyards of Middle Chile or the enigmatic monuments of Easter Island, this indispensible book will guide your travels, from arid northern deserts to vast southern icefields, and through over 4000 kms of volcanoes, fjords and lakes in between.


- 86 detailed maps
- food and accommodation options for all budgets
- extensive background information on Chilean politics and history
- practical Spanish language section and glossary
- comprehensive outdoor activities information, from skiing and whitewater rafting to hiking and surfing
- details on travel to the Falkland Islands and Antarctica
EOFY 2024 Book Frenzy (Online Only)
RRP: $30.70
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